Preventative Measures for Common Causes of Fire Explosion

 If you have a business that deals with flammable or combustible liquid materials, it’s important to learn about and take preventative measures for the most common causes of fire explosion.

Viable Options to Prevent a Fire Explosion

According to the top fire and explosion consultants, there are several ways to prevent an accident from occurring.

Material Substitution

Although not always possible, consider using a different type of material if you can. Preferably, choose something that’s not flammable or combustible. At a minimum, look for substitute materials with a lesser degree of risk. Safety consulting engineers explain that the goal is to select materials that are effective and safer to use.

Eliminate Ignition Sources

For a fire to start from a flammable or combustible liquid, it needs an ignition source that comes from a mixture of air and vapour. That can be from smoking, as well as sparks and arcs caused by cutting and welding. Even hot surfaces associated with electric lamps, furnaces, irons, boilers, and ducts can cause a fire explosion.

Other possible ignition sources are sparks from fireboxes, incinerators, crushing or grinding operations, and static electricity. The latter could come from rotating belts or the improper transfer or mixing of flammable and combustible liquids.

According to a trusted safety consultant in Toronto, the solution is to eliminate or keep flammable and combustible liquids away from sparks, open flames, and tobacco smoking. Also, installing a fire/explosion wall or panel in a dangerous area is highly beneficial.

Improve Ventilation

Fire and explosion consultants stress that vapours mixed with air can ignite a fire. This is why proper ventilation is so important. As far as the type and amount of ventilation needed, it depends on several factors. These include the specific job, the materials used, and the layout and size of the work area.

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